
How does the Placa.si website work?

Methodology of salary survey Placa.si

Methodology of salary survey Plača.si

Plača.si is a website where you can get a comparison of the salaries of about 500 positions. The list of positions reflects the labour market in Slovenia and is constantly updated.

This salary survey was launched in 2007 as Merces.sk. Profesia, spol. s r.o. is the author of the methodology concerning the acquisition, collection and processing of the data gathered in the survey, and its subsequent evaluation.

The target group of the portal are people in the labour market who want to compare their salary, and companies who pay attention to fairly setting  employee salaries.

1. Input data

People in the labour market can get a comparison of their salary with other employees in the same position and region. Everyone who completes the questionnaire with 14 questions (8 of which are compulsory) becomes a respondent, and receives a free salary comparison with the average of the reference sample. This is created by other respondents according to the position and region filled in the questionnaire.

The data from each respondent are valid for one year and there is no interference with the information entered in any way. All data in the salary survey are anonymous.

2. Output data

Prior to actual calculations, the sample data is cleaned up. Errors such as negative numbers, extreme values ​​(e.g. EUR 1 per month or EUR 10 mil. per month are filtered out first. The second step in cleaning the database is to detect duplicate questionnaires and to determine extremes. Extremes are determined specifically for a particular position with regard to the region (Osrednjeslovenska region, outside Osrednjeslovenskaregion). The methodology for detecting extreme data (data trimming) is based on the robust estimations of parameters regarding the theoretical distribution of salaries in a particular position by region.

Data from the questionnaires that have undergone cleaning are used in the calculations.

Survey results publish only information from the data that has been accepted:

  • one profile (output of the questionnaire) is used as a sample for one year,
  • we never interfere with completed questionnaires,
  • inflation or cost of living are not taken into account during the calculations,
  • we never estimate salaries in one region according to another region.

For a more vivid understanding of the results of salary comparisons, we also provide their graphic representation.

3.  Outputs for people (individuals)

The salary survey from Plača.si provides free outputs for these groups of people in the labour market:

  • Employees who want to compare their salary with others
  • Unemployed / students / employees who want to find out the salary for a particular position to compare with their expectations

First a salary survey questionnaire is displayed and after its completion the outputs with a basic comparison of actual or anticipated salary are shown. Outputs are displayed directly on the screen of the website.

Each visitor can purchase an extended paid version of the output that provides a more detailed salary comparison based on the median and quartiles. This output is called Detailed individual salary analysis and provides an overview of salaries by education and experience and a summary of benefits provided for the particular position. The paid version of outputs also gives hints and tips on how to negotiate a salary, training for staff SWOT analysis, glossary of terms, etc.

Visitors can purchase the extended paid version of report through PayPal. The purchased detailed individual salary analysis is automatically sent to the e-mail address, provided by the visitor at the order of salary report.

Service provider also sends the visitor an inoice, to the e-mail address, provided by the visitor at the order of salary report.

All prices are in euros and include 22% VAT.

4. Outputs for companies (clients)

The Plača.si salary survey provides business customers with Plača.si labelled products.

Company (client) can order three (3) types of products:

1.    Basic analysis for companies (PROFESSIONAL)

2.    Advanced analysis for companies (PREMIUM)

3.    Unlimited access to generate basic reports for 12 months (MULTI 12)

When buying a Basic or Advanced analysis for companies (Professional or Premium), the client receives the results (in PDF format) to the e-mail address, provided by the client at the order of salary report. Service provider also sends the client an invoice, to the e-mail address, provided by the client at the order of salary report.

All prices are in euros and include 22% VAT.

In the case of purchase Unlimited access to generate basic reports for 12 months, the client receives an annual unlimited access (with username and password) to the online salary survey tool that allows working with the information database for the purchased position. During the service period, the client can work with a tool to generate outputs for the position with various criteria for a particular region, sector, company size, employee education, and so on.

There are two modules available in the online salary survey tool for clients:

1.    Compare salary

2.    Determine Salary

Presentation of the modules:

1.    Compare Salary (Salary Benchmark)

Modul Compare salary gives you a comparison of your salaries against your competitors.

In a form, the client enters data about his/her company and the employee whose salary he/she wants to compare:
- for a company: industry, company size
- for an employee: basic salary, 13th salary, bonuses, region, education, experience, currently offered benefits

The output shows:

  • Total salary and its components
  • The distribution of respondents in salary bands
  • Average salary and all basic percentiles (1st decile, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile, 9th decile)
  • Detailed outline of all monitored nonfinancial benefits that are provided
  • Analysis of financial benefits
  • Recommendations for employee salary adjustment.

2.    Determine Salary (Filling a new position)

Modul Determine salary enables you to obtain a detailed salary analysis.

The results are displayed for the specified criteria concerning the position, region and industry:

  • Total salary and its components
  • The distribution of respondents in salary bands
  • Average salary and all basic percentiles (1st decile, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile, 9th decile)
  • Detailed outline of all monitored nonfinancial benefits that are provided
  • Analysis of financial benefits 

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